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Hoyos Velasco, Fredy E., Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Hoyos Velasco, Fredy E., Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Hoyos Velasco, Fredy Edimer, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
HR, Roopashree, Publicis.Sapient at Bengaluru (India)
Hreshee, Saad S., University of Babylon (Iraq)
Hridoy, Rashidul Hasan, Daffodil International University (Bangladesh)
Hrimech, Hamid, Hassan 1er University of Settat (Morocco)
Hrimech, Hamid, University Hassan First (Morocco)
Hrizi, Olfa, Jouf University (Saudi Arabia)
Hsieh, Chin-Yuan, Kao Yuan University (Taiwan, Province of China)
Hssina, Badr, Hassan II University of Casablanca (Morocco)
Hsu, Dr. Hung-Yao, University of South Australia (Australia)
Htun, Theingi, Mandalay Technology University (Myanmar)
Hua, Lyu Guang, Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited (China)
Hua, Thien D., HCMC University of Technology and Education (Viet Nam)

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