An analysis of software aging in cloud environment
Cloud Computing is the environment in which several virtual machines (VM) run concurrently on physical machines. The cloud computing infrastructure hosts multiple cloud service segments that communicate with each other using the interfaces. This creates distributed computing environment. During operation, the software systems accumulate errors or garbage that leads to system failure and other hazardous consequences. This status is called software aging. Software aging happens because of memory fragmentation, resource consumption in large scale and accumulation of numerical error. Software aging degrads the performance that may result in system failure. This happens because of premature resource exhaustion. This issue cannot be determined during software testing phase because of the dynamic nature of operation. The errors that cause software aging are of special types. These errors do not disturb the software functionality but target the response time and its environment. This issue is to be resolved only during run time as it occurs because of the dynamic nature of the problem. To alleviate the impact of software aging, software rejuvenation technique is being used. Rejuvenation process reboots the system or re-initiates the softwares. This avoids faults or failure. Software rejuvenation removes accumulated error conditions, frees up deadlocks and defragments operating system resources like memory. Hence, it avoids future failures of system that may happen due to software aging. As service availability is crucial, software rejuvenation is to be carried out at defined schedules without disrupting the service. The presence of Software rejuvenation techniques can make software systems more trustworthy. Software designers are using this concept to improve the quality and reliability of the software. Software aging and rejuvenation has generated a lot of research interest in recent years. This work reviews some of the research works related to detection of software aging and identifies research gaps.
Software Aging; Software Rejuvenation; Cloud Computing
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).