Sliding mode performance control applied to a DFIG system for a wind energy production

Mansouri FatimaZohra, Bendjebbar Mokhtar, Mazari Benyounes


This project presents a strategy of field control then sliding mode control put in to the conversion process of wind energy containing an asynchronous generator with double fed (DFAG; DFIG). A model was developed for each component of the wind turbine (turbine, DFAG and cascade rectifier-inverter). MPPT device must be introduced in order to obtain maximum energy efficiency so that PI-MPPT method is made. The objective is to apply this command to control independently the active and reactive powers generated by the asynchronous generator uncoupled by orientation from the flow. The results of digital simulations obtained show the improvement of the performances of the sliding control compared to the field control, also it has provided information on the commands available techniques as reference tracking and robustness.


Doubly Fed Induction Generator; MPPT ; PI Controller; Sliding mode Control; Wind Energy Conversion System(WCES)

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).