Design of a Wireless Sensor Node for Vibration Monitoring of Industrial Machinery

Alaa Abdulhady Jaber, Robert Bicker


Machine healthy monitoring is a type of maintenance inspection technique by which an operational asset is monitored and the data obtained is analysed to detect signs of degradation, diagnose the causes of faults and thus reducing the maintenance costs. Vibration signals analysis was extensively used for machines fault detection and diagnosis in various industrial applications, as it respond immediately to manifest itself if any change is appeared in the monitored machine. However, recent developments in electronics and computing have opened new horizons in the area of condition monitoring and have shown their practicality in fault detection and diagnosis processes. The main aim of using wireless embedded systems is to allow data analysis to be carried out locally at field level and transmitting the results wirelessly to the base station, which as a result will help to overcome the need for wiring and provides an easy and cost-effective sensing technique to detect faults in machines. So, the main focuses of this research is to design and develop an online condition monitoring system based on wireless embedded technology that can be used to detect and diagnose the most common faults in the transmission systems (gears and bearings) of an industrial robot joints using vibration signal analysis.


Wireless sensor node; Fault detection; Condition monitoring; Vibration analysis; Arduino microcontroller; XBee

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).