Automatic Segmentation of Brachial Artery based on Fuzzy C-Means Pixel Clustering from Ultrasound Images

Joonsung Park, Doo Heon Song, Hosung Nho, Hyun-Min Choi, Kyung-Ae Kim, Hyun Jun Park, Kwang Baek Kim


Automatic extraction of brachial artery and measuring associated indices such as flow-mediated dilatation and Intima-media thickness are important for early detection of cardiovascular disease and other vascular endothelial malfunctions. In this paper, we propose the basic but important component of such decision-assisting medical software development – noise tolerant fully automatic segmentation of brachial artery from ultrasound images. Pixel clustering with Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in the quantization process is the key component of that segmentation with various image processing algorithms involved. This algorithm could be an alternative choice of segmentation process that can replace speckle noise-suffering edge detection procedures in this application domain.


4-directional contour tracking; automatic segmentation; brachial artery; fuzzy c-means; pixel clustering

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).