Mobile Decision Support System to Determine Toddler's Nutrition Using Fuzzy Sugeno
Determination of nutritional status is closely related to the determination of dietary patterns should be given to infants. Nutrition is very important role in mental, physical development, and human productivity. In this study, the system based on android is developed to determine the nutritional status of infants by using Fuzzy Sugeno. Indicator variables are age, height, circle head, and body weight according to the male or female. In this study, the results of measurements of nutritional status of children with Fuzzy Sugenoare tested by comparing the nutritional quality of the data Posyandu toddler by using anthropometric tables. The results of the evaluation measurement accuracy in this application are compared with the results of manual calculation based infant growth charts according to WHO standards. Therefore, these applications can be used to help the community in monitoring the nutritional status of children so that the growth of children is more appropriate in line with expectations.
basic4android, method fuzzy sugeno, SQL lite manager, toddler’s nutrition status,
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).