Agricultural Management through Wireless Sensors and Internet of Things

Sridevi Navulur, A. S. C. S. Sastry, M. N. Giri Prasad


Agriculture plays a significant role in most countries and there is an enoromous need for this industry to become “Smart”. The Industry is now moving towards agricultural modernization by using modern smart technologies to find solutions for effective utilization of scarce resources there by meeting the ever increasing consumtion needs of global population. With the advent of Internet of Things and Digital transformation of rural areas, these technologies can be leveraged to remotely monitor soil moisture, crop growth and take preventive measures to detect crop damages and threats. Utilize artificial intelligence based analytics to quickly analyze operational data combined with 3rd party information, such as weather services, expert advises etc., to provide new insights and improved decision making there by enabling farmers to perform “Smart Agriculture”. Remote management of agricultural activities and their automation using new technologies is the area of focus for this research activity. A solar powered remote management and automation system for agricultural activities through wireless sensors and Internet of Things comprising, a hardware platform based on Raspberry Pi Micro controller configured to connect with a user device and accessed through the internet network. The data collection unit comprises a set of wireless sensors for sensing agricultural activities and collecting data related to agricultural parameters; the base station unit comprising: a data logger; a server; and a software application for processing, collecting, and sending the data to the user device. The user device ex: mobile, tablet etc. can be connected to an internet network, whereby an application platform (mobile-app) installed in the user device facilitates in displaying a list of wireless sensor collected data using Internet of Things and a set of power buttons. This paper is a study and proposal paper which discusses the factors and studies that lead towards this patent pending invention, AGRIPI.


agriculture, android, automation, internet of things, micro controller, raspberry pi, wireless sensors, remote management,

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).