Multi Objective Directed Bee Colony Optimization for Economic Load Dispatch With Enhanced Power Demand and Valve Point Loading
Earlier economic emission dispatch methods for optimizing emission level comprising carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and sulpher dioxide in thermal generation, made use of soft computing techniques like fuzzy,neural network,evolutionary programming,differential evolution and particle swarm optimization etc..The above methods incurred comparatively more transmission loss.So looking into the nonlinear load behavior of unbalanced systems following differential load pattern prevalent in tropical countries like India,Pakistan and Bangladesh etc.,the erratic variation of enhanced power demand is of immense importance which is included in this paper vide multi objective directed bee colony optimization with enhanced power demand to optimize transmission losses to a desired level.In the current dissertation making use of multi objective directed bee colony optimization with enhanced power demand technique the emission level versus cost of generation has been displayed vide figure-3 & figure-4 and this result has been compared with other dispatch methods using valve point loading(VPL) and multi objective directed bee colony optimization with & without transmission loss.
economic load dispatch, particle swarm optimization, valve point loading,
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).