An Approach for Big Data to Evolve the Auspicious Information from Cross-Domains

Preeti Arora, Deepali Virmani, P.S. Kulkarni


Sentiment analysis is the pre-eminent technology to extract the relevant information from the data domain. In this paper cross domain sentimental classification approach Cross_BOMEST is proposed. Proposed approach will extract ve words using existing BOMEST technique, with the help of Ms Word Introp, Cross_BOMEST determines ve words and replaces all its synonyms to escalate the polarity and blends two different domains and detects all the self-sufficient words. Proposed Algorithm is executed on Amazon datasets where two different domains are trained to analyze sentiments of the reviews of the other remaining domain. Proposed approach contributes propitious results in the cross domain analysis and accuracy of 92 % is obtained. Precision and Recall of BOMEST is improved by 16% and 7% respectively by the Cross_BOMEST.


bag-of-words, feature extraction, labelled words, opinion mining, sentimental classification.

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).