Novel High-Gain Narrowband Waveguide-Fed Filtenna using Genetic Algorithm

Mahdi Ghorbani, Habib Ghorbaninejad


Filtenna is an antenna with filtering feature. There are many ways to design a filtenna. In this paper, a high-gain narrowband waveguide-fed aperture filtenna has been proposed and designed. A patterned plane, which is designed using genetic algorithm has been used at the open end of the waveguide fed, mounted on a conducting ground plane. To design the patterned pattern, magnetic field integral equation of the structure has been derived, so it has been solved using method of moments. The proposed filtenna has been simulated with HFSS that confirms the results obtained by method of moments. Finally, an unprinted dielectric as a superstrate has been used to enhance the gain of the filtenna. The filtenna bandwidth is 1.76% (160 MHz)  which has the gain of 15.91 dB at the central frequency of 9.45 GHz.


filtenna; genetic algorithm ;high gain; method of moment; narrow band

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).