Tree Based Energy Balancing Routing Protocol by Self Organizing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Syed Umar, P.V.R. D Prasada Rao, Sridevi Gutta


Today the wireless sensor networks (WSN) play a crucial role in wireless technology in various domains like military, medicine, communications etc. The energy conservation is the crucial factor in the WSN. The WSN is a system which has more number of nodes in which various sensors are fabricated on the nodes to monitor various factors of the given task. These nodes will form a network by connecting the one to other for the effective communication between the nodes, and sends the whole information to the base station (BS). As the nodes which we use for the WSN are of low cost and are battery operated. The main drawback is replacement of the battery in the WSN. The main goal is to conserve the energy consumption in WSN and also to balance the load on WSN. For this many protocols are designed like LEACH, PEGASIS, PEDAP, etc. in those balancing the load and time delayed. some drawbacks are there. So we proposed a protocol so called “Tree Based Energy Balancing routing Protocol by Self Organizing” (TEBRSO), in which instead of routing tables a routing tree will be used for routing from nodes to base station (BS), which chooses one root/control node for the broadcasting messages to the selected sensor nodes. By this protocol we can save the energy consumption in WSN and can extend the life time of it. The performance of this protocol is better when we compare with other energy saving protocols.


Routing protocols, Wireless Technology, Network Lifetime

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).