Complementary Split Ring Resonator based Sensor for Crack Detection
In this paper, the performance of Complementary Split Ring Resonator
(CSRR) based sensor is explored by varying the geometrical parameters of a
sub millimeter crack. Behavior analysis of the CSRR based sensor is
performed by variation in the parameters of crack. Variation in resonant
frequency of sensor is observed in every case and is noteworthy for our
purpose. This signifies the sensor’s ability to detect crack of different
geometrical parameters on a metal surface.The effectiveness of the sensor is
being contemplated through this approach which is appreciable. An
illustrious performance of the crack detection sensor has been discovered in
this analysis. Simulated results show the feasibility of detecting very small
cracks upto 25 m width, in the metallic surfaces.
(CSRR) based sensor is explored by varying the geometrical parameters of a
sub millimeter crack. Behavior analysis of the CSRR based sensor is
performed by variation in the parameters of crack. Variation in resonant
frequency of sensor is observed in every case and is noteworthy for our
purpose. This signifies the sensor’s ability to detect crack of different
geometrical parameters on a metal surface.The effectiveness of the sensor is
being contemplated through this approach which is appreciable. An
illustrious performance of the crack detection sensor has been discovered in
this analysis. Simulated results show the feasibility of detecting very small
cracks upto 25 m width, in the metallic surfaces.
Split Ring Resonator (SRR), Complementary Split Ring Resonator(CSRR), Crack Detection, Microstrip line, High Frequency Structuure Simulator(HFSS)
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).