Improved convolutional neural network-based bearing fault diagnosis using multi-phase motor current signals

Hai Dang Huu, Ngoc-My Bui, Van-Phuc Hoang, Thang Bui Quy, Yen Hoang Thi


Diagnosing bearing faults of the induction motor is crucial for the maintenance of rotating electrical machines. Numerous methods have been developed and published for monitoring and classifying these faults using sensor data such as vibration, audio, and current signals. Ideally, the current phases are balanced; however, faults disrupt this symmetry, causing each phase to reveal unique diagnostic details. Consequently, studies that rely on a single phase of the current signal may not capture all fault-related characteristics. Research on motor bearing fault diagnosis using two current phases typically extracts features from each phase separately, applying machine learning to classify the faults. Currently, no approach has been proposed to extract features from both phases simultaneously. Furthermore, the proposed solutions have only been published with noise-free data. To address these challenges, this paper introduces an enhanced solution that improves the accuracy of motor bearing fault classification based on an improved convolutional neural network that processes current signals from two phases simultaneously. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms traditional approaches, particularly in scenarios where the sample signals are noise-adding signals. Fault classification accuracy of the proposed improved convolutional neural network (MI-CNN) about 95.12% with noise-adding signals at the signal-to- noise ratio of 20 dB.


Bearing fault diagnosis; Classification accuracy; Improved convolutional neural network; Induction motor; Motor current signal

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).