Modeling of Glugur Substation grounding systems using MATLAB graphical user interface

Indra Roza, Yoga Tri Nugraha, Rizkha Rida, Muhammad Irwanto, Mohd. Azlishah Othman


The grounding system in substations generally uses electrode rods, because electrodes can affect the effectiveness of fault current conduction, so the equipment will be safer. Considering the importance of the grounding system, the installed grounding system must be considered and maintained properly. One of them is the grounding found in Glugur. The main objective of this research is to comprehensively evaluate the substation grounding system by modeling the grounding system at the Glugur Substation using MATLAB graphical user interface (GUI). The grounding resistance follows a grid system with an area of 20×15=300 m² with specific resistance being clay using 100 rod electrodes. From the results of ground resistance simulation modeling using MATLAB GUI, it can be concluded as follows: for a certain resistance value, the number of electrodes for 100 Ωm is 3.55 Ω, for ground resistance with a constant depth and a varying number of 100 electrodes, it is 3.45 Ω, and for. The grounding resistance with a constant and varying number of 1,000 rods is obtained at 2.65 Ω. From these results, the modeling carried out is in accordance with the standards of electricity regulations in Indonesia.


Electrode; Grounding resistance; Grounding system; MATLAB graphical user interface; Modelling; Substation

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).