Brain tumor detection using a MobileNetV2-SSD model with modified feature pyramid network levels
Brain tumors, a subset of these malignancies, demand accurate and efficient diagnosis. Traditional methods use non-invasive medical imaging like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Although necessary for diagnosis, manual brain MRI picture segmentation is tedious and time-consuming. Using deep learning is a promising solution. This study proposes an innovative approach for brain tumor detection, focusing on meningioma tumors. Utilizing threshold-based segmentation, the MobileNetV2 architecture, a modified feature pyramid network (FPN), and single shot MultiBox detector (SSD), our model achieves precise localization and object detection. Pre-processing techniques such as grayscale conversion, histogram equalization, and Gaussian filtering enhance the MRI image quality. Morphological operations and thresholding facilitate tumor segmentation. Data augmentation and a meticulous dataset division aid in model generalization. The architecture combines MobileNetV2 as a feature extractor, SSD for object detection, and FPN for detecting small objects. Modifications, including lowering the minimum FPN level, enhance small object detection accuracy. The proposed model achieved a recall value of around 98% and a precision value of around 89%. Additionally, the proposed model achieved approximately 93% on both the dice similarity coefficient (DSC) value and the index of similarity. Based on the promising results, our research holds significant advancements for the field of medical imaging and tumor detection.
Convolutional neural network; Feature pyramid network; MobileNet; Single shot; MultiBox detector Tumor
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).