Efficient rectifier with wide input power range for 5G applications

Mounira Ben Yamna, Nabil Dakhli, Hedi Sakli, Mohamed Aoun


This article presents three efficient rectifiers for radio frequency energy harvest-ing (RFEH) systems operating at the fifth generation (5G) band (3.5 GHz). Eachrectifier operates at various input power levels (high, low, and across a widepower range). The high and low-power rectifiers feature a single serial topologyusing HSMS-2860 and SMS-7630 Schottky diodes, respectively, along with mi-crostrip lines to implement the input and output filters and the impedance match-ing network. At an radio frequency (RF) power level of 15 dBm, the high-powerrectifier harvests 67.4% to direct current (DC) power with a 300Ωload resistorand an output voltage of 2.5V. The low-power rectifier achieves its maximumpower conversion efficiency (PCE) at -2 dBm, reaching 45% efficiency with a1200Ωload. The rectifier with a extended input power range comprises twobranches of subrectifiers functioning at both high and low power levels. De-pending on the power level, the considered subrectifier harvests radio frequencypower into DC power, while the other subrectifier is deactivated. Across a powerspan of 32.5 dB (ranging from -13 to 19.5 dBm), the rectifier maintains an effi-ciency above 30%. The proposed rectifiers are efficient and suitable for imple-mentation in 5G-enabled RFEH systems.


5G; Energy harvesting; Power conversion efficiency; Rectifier; Wide input power range

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v14i4.pp3809-3819

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).