Implementing cloud computing in drug discovery and telemedicine for quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis

Palayanoor Seethapathy Ramapraba, Bellam Ravindra Babu, Nallathampi Rajamani Rejin Paul, Varadan Sharmila, Venkatachalam Ramesh Babu, Raman Ramya, Subbiah Murugan


This work aims to use cutting-edge machine learning methods to improve quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis, which is used in drug development and telemedicine. The major goal is to examine the performance of several predictive modeling approaches, including random forest, deep learning-based QSAR models, and support vector machines (SVM). It investigates the potential of feature selection techniques developed in chemoinformatics for enhancing model accuracy. The innovative aspect is using cloud computing resources to strengthen computational skills, allowing for managing massive amounts of chemical information. This strategy produces accurate and generalizable QSAR models. By using the cloud's scalability and constant availability, remote healthcare apps have a workable answer. The goal is to show how these methods may improve telemedicine and the drug development process. Utilizing cloud computing equips researchers with a flexible set of tools for precise and timely QSAR analysis, speeding up the discovery of bioactive chemicals for therapeutic use. This new method fits well with the dynamic nature of pharmaceutical study and has the potential to transform the way drugs are developed and delivered to patients via telemedicine.


Chemoinformatics; Cloud computing; Drug discovery; Quantitative structure-activity; Relationship analysis

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).