The preliminary study of carbon x-change rakyat using blockchain application

Wahyu Sasongko Putro, Nitia Rahmi, Raditya Yoga Asditama, Nur Arifin Akbar


Today’s air pollution is detrimental to the environment, particularly in Indonesia. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) are present in the atmosphere due to air pollution. Many individuals employ reforestation to lessen the influence of CO2 and NOx gases on the atmosphere. However, in the digitalized era, lowering carbon emissions may also be accomplished through a carbon credit exchange. Thus, in this study we investigate the performance of the carbon x-change rakyat (CXR) based on blockchain platform utilizing the stress test approach. We provided four scenarios with 10,000 to 100,000 transactions evaluated on the CXR blockchain system i.e., transfer, insert, remove, and update. The outcome demonstrates CXR’s effectiveness with 100% success and 0% failure rate based on testing and statistical computations calculation. The mean absolute error (MAE), variance accounted for (VAF), and percent error (PE) are obtained with values ranging from 0.38% to 4.67%. In this study, the transaction per-second (TPS) is used to calculate include error request (IER) and exclude error request (EER) values around 312 to 746 milliseconds (ms). In addition, the TPS of CXR based on blockchain platform is a capability to create and trace database carbon certificate ownership (nonfinancial activity). It means CXR based on the blockchain platform has a fast response to process carbon certificate ownership for transactions across local and international countries in the world.


Blockchain application; Carbon certificate; Carbon x-change rakyat; Stress test method; Transaction per second;

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).