BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+ green phosphors’ application for improving luminous performance

My Hanh Nguyen Thi, Nguyen Le Thai, Thuc Minh Bui, Tam Nguyen Kieu


The molten salt synthesis (MSS) method was used to effectively prepare green phosphors BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+ (or BSON:Eu2+) via one homogeneous sphere-like morphology utilizing NaNO3 in the form of the reacting agent. The phosphors produced one wide stimulation spectrum between 250 and 460 nm, as well as a significant green emission has a maximum point at 510 nm owing to the 4f65d1-4f7 (8S7/2) shifts for Eu2+ ions. With illumination under 365 as well as 450 nm, the ideal discharge strengths for the specimen prepared utilizing melted salt would receive a boost of 17% and 13%, surpassing the specimen prepared utilizing the traditional solid-state reaction (SSR) approach. The abatement of concentration for the ions of Eu2+ from BSON:Eu2+ is 5 mol%. In addition, the interactivity of dipole-dipole would be the cause of said abatement. Heat abatement would be studied utilizing the formation coordinate method with abatement temperature reaching ∼200 oC. Elemental mapping as well as power-dispersing X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) spectra demonstrated that the expected BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+ materials were formed.


BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+; color homogeneity; luminous flux; monte carlo theory; white light-emitted diodes;

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).