Modelling and simulation for energy management of a hybrid microgrid with droop controller

Khalil Saadaoui, Kaoutar Senhaji Rhazi, Youssef Mejdoub, Abderraouf Aboudou


The most efficient and connected alternative for increasing the use of local renewable energy sources is a hybrid microgrid, these systems face additional challenges due to the integration of power electronics, energy storage technologies and traditional power plants. The hybrid alternating current-direct current (AC-DC) microgrid that is the subject of this research uses a primary-droop control system to regulate state variables and auxiliary services, thus, it is composed of batteries, solar panels and a miniature wind turbine (PDC) and controls how each energy source in a microgrid contributes to the final product. To achieve the given objectives, this paper will create appropriate models for each part of the microgrid design and define, among them, the energy storage batteries and power electronic converters required for each level of each of these systems. Finally, the dynamic nature of the system will be critically evaluated and characterized, to distribute the load and reduce imbalances, modify the primary drop of the resulting microgrid using MATLAB simulation.


battery energy storage; dynamic modeling; hybrid AC-DC microgrids; interlinking converter; MATLAB simulation; primary droop control; wind turbine;

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).