Computer-aided diagnostic system kinds and pulmonary nodule detection efficacy

Omar Raad Kadhim, Hassan Jassim Motlak, Kasim Karam Abdalla


This paper summarizes the literature on computer-aided detection (CAD) systems used to identify and diagnose lung nodules in images obtained with computed tomography (CT) scanners. The importance of developing such systems lies in the fact that the process of manually detecting lung nodules is painstaking and sequential work for radiologists, as it takes a long time. Moreover, the pulmonary nodules have multiple appearances and shapes, and the large number of slices generated by the scanner creates great difficulty in accurately locating the lung nodules. The handcraft nodules detection process can be caused by messing some nodules spicily when these nodules' diameter be less than 10 mm. So, the CAD system is an essential assistant to the radiologist in this case of nodule detection, and it contributed to reducing time consumption in nodules detection; moreover, it applied more accuracy in this field. The objective of this paper is to follow up on current and previous work on lung cancer detection and lung nodule diagnosis. This literature dealt with a group of specialized systems in this field quickly and showed the methods used in them. It dealt with an emphasis on a system based on deep learning involving neural convolution networks.


Computed tomography autoencoders; Computer-aided detection systems; Convolution neural network; Stacked auto-encoders

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).