Personal innovativeness and facilitating conditions in shaping the outlooks toward m-banking adoption among generation Y in Malaysia

Foo-Wah Lim, Ahmad Fakhrorazi, Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, Karina Silitonga, Wei-Kit Loke, Nik Abdullah


The study investigated the determinants of m-banking adoption among generation Y (Gen-Y) in Malaysia. The study underpinned the technology acceptance model as the main guideline or a blueprint for analyzing the research model. The study applied a survey research design and investigated structural equation modeling (SEM) under the partial least-square SEM (PLS-SEM) technique using SmartPLS 2.0. A total 358 m-banking users in Malaysia were exerted as respondents who were randomly selected and then investigated. The results of the analysis conducted with PLS-SEM reveal the existence of usage convenience, facilitating conditions, and personal innovation in information technology that has been remarkably influenced by the outlooks that have adopted m-banking in the country of Malaysia. In addition, the usage convenience that has been felt and facilitated by the conditions found can affect the appraised practicality of m-banking remarkably. Finally, the usage convenience of m-banking that is felt among Gen-Y in Malaysia is influenced by the remarkable activation of personal conditions and innovations exerted in information technology.


appraised practicality; facilitating condition; generation Y; M-banking; outlook;

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).