An efficient encode-decode deep learning network for lane markings instant segmentation

A. Al Mamun, P. P. Em, J. Hossen


Nowadays, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) has been incorporated with a distinct type of progressive and essential features. One of the most preliminary and significant features of the ADAS is lane marking detection, which permits the vehicle to keep in a particular road lane itself. It has been detected by utilizing high-specialized, handcrafted features and distinct post-processing approaches lead to less accurate, less efficient, and high computational framework under different environmental conditions. Hence, this research proposed a simple encode-decode deep learning approach under distinguishing environmental effects like different daytime, multiple lanes, different traffic condition, good and medium weather conditions for detecting the lane markings more accurately and efficiently. The proposed model is emphasized on the simple encode-decode Seg-Net framework incorporated with VGG16 architecture that has been trained by using the inequity and cross-entropy losses to obtain more accurate instant segmentation result of lane markings. The framework has been trained and tested on a vast public dataset named Tusimple, which includes around 3.6K training and 2.7 k testing image frames of different environmental conditions. The model has noted the highest accuracy, 96.61%, F1 score 96.34%, precision 98.91%, and recall 93.89%. Also, it has also obtained the lowest 3.125% false positive and 1.259% false-negative value, which transcended some of the previous researches. It is expected to assist significantly in the field of lane markings detection applying deep neural networks.


ADAS; Deep learning; Instant segmentation; Lane marking detection; SegNet

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).