Study of power management of standalone DC microgrids with battery supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system

Ali Gaeed Seger Al-Salloomee, Saeed Khosroabadi, Ali Abdulabbas Abdullah Albukariat


In the last years, renewable energy (RE) is increasing widely in the energy sector, and microgrid technology is overgrowing. In this paper, stand-alone microgrid using solar photovoltaic (PV) energy as a source of renewable energy is simulated to provide power for direct current (DC) loads with hybrid energy storage system (HESS) which consists of battery and supercapacitor bank. The proposed microgrid system is tested under various cases of load and variable irradiance to confirm and validate the proposed management strategy to remain the DC bus voltage within a stable limit. The performance of DC microgrid is comparing with and without supercapacitor (SC) bank and notes a desirable decrease in the magnitude of transient voltage when using HESS. The sun power SPR-E19-320 standard was simulated to analyze system performance taking into account the constant load demand. Note that HESS helps reduce transient of DC voltage very effectively in all situations. Very large transients arise due to sudden changes in load demand is also compensated by HESS. The results obtained indicate that the stand-alone DC microgrid with HESS is very beneficial for reducing transient of DC-link voltage that occurs due to sudden change in load or fault. The proposed system is performed by MATLAB/Simulink environment.


DC microgrids; Designed of standalone PV system control; Hybrid energy storage system; Renewable energy; Smart grid

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).