Performance evaluation of hierarchical clustering protocols with fuzzy C-means
The longevity of the network and the lack of resources are the main problems within the WSN. Minimizing energy dissipation and optimizing the lifespan of the WSN network are real challenges in the design of WSN routing protocols. Load balanced clustering increases the reliability of the system and enhances coordination between different nodes within the network. WSN is one of the main technologies dedicated to the detection, sensing, and monitoring of physical phenomena of the environment. For illustration, detection, and measurement of vibration, pressure, temperature, and sound. The WSN can be integrated into many domains, like street parking systems, smart roads, and industrial. This paper examines the efficiency of our two proposed clustering algorithms: Fuzzy C-means based hierarchical routing approach for homogeneous WSN (F-LEACH) and fuzzy distributed energy efficient clustering algorithm (F-DEEC) through a detailed comparison of WSN performance parameters such as the instability and stability duration, lifetime of the network, number of cluster heads per round and the number of alive nodes. The fuzzy C-means based on hierarchical routing approach is based on fuzzy C-means and low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. The fuzzy distributed energy efficient clustering algorithm is based on fuzzy C-means and design of a distributed energy efficient clustering (DEEC) protocol. The technical capability of each protocol is measured according to the studied parameters.
energy consumption; energy efficiency; fuzzy means; network lifetime; routing protocols; subtractive clustering method;
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).