Computer aided diagnosis for breast cancer based on the gabor filter technique

Mohammed Y. Kamil


The most prominent reason for the death of women all over the world is breast cancer. Early detection of cancer helps to lower the death rate. Mammography scans determine breast tumors in the first stage. As the mammograms have slight contrast, thus, it is a blur to the radiologist to recognize micro growths. A computer-aided diagnostic system is a powerful tool for understanding mammograms. Also, the specialist helps determine the presence of the breast lesion and distinguish between the normal area and the mass. In this paper, the Gabor filter is presented as a key step in building a diagnostic system. It is considered a sufficient method to extract the features. That helps us to avoid tumor classification difficulties and false-positive reduction. The linear support vector machine technique is used in this system for results classification. To improve the results, adaptive histogram equalization pre-processing procedure is employed. Mini-MIAS database utilized to evaluate this method. The highest accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity achieved are 98.7%, 98%, 99%, respectively, at the region of interest (30×30). The results have demonstrated the efficacy and accuracy of the proposed method of helping the radiologist on diagnosing breast cancer.


Breast cancer; Gabor filter; Mammography; CAD; Classification

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).