Modeling and simulation of a 3-ф induction motor based on two types of WFA
This paper has been proposed to simulate the transient model of 3-Ф cage rotor induction motor based on winding function approach (WFA). According to this method the motor is assumed to be consist of an electrical circuits on both stator and rotor. The magneto motive forces (MMF) that have been generated by these circuits play a role for coupling them together. Then mutual and self-inductances will be easily computed using WFA. Two types of WFA have been used to build and simulate the model of the induction motor. In the one part type, it’s assumed that the coupling MMF between stator and rotor have a non-sinusoidal shapes according to the actual windings distribution over the motor slots. While in second part type the generated MMF in are assumed to have sinusoidal waveform. The suggested models may be used to simulate the dynamic as well as steady state performance of a faulty and non-faulty motor. A simulation of the suggested models that consists of m-rotor bars and n-stator phases multiple coupled circuit-based has been performed using matlab m.file and the results of the motor current have been proved in its nonlinear way by using WFA.
cage rotor; induction motor; matlab m.file; steady state response; winding function approach
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).