Inactive power detection in AC network

Nickolay I. Schurov, Sergey V. Myatezh, Alexandr V. Myatezh, Boris V. Malozyomov, Alexandr A. Shtang


Using the examples of wave and vector diagrams, we study the conditions for the appearance of components of inactive power in an AC network, which are known as reactive power and distortion power. It is shown that the components of the active, reactive power and distortion power are mutually orthogonal and form a power balance, which can be violated mainly due to methodological errors in calculating these components under conditions of non-stationary mode parameters. It is established that the interaction of reactive power and distortion power occurs at the instantaneous power level, and changing their phase shifts allows you to adjust the shape of the resulting power without involving additional active power in the AC network. The results obtained will allow not only to correctly determine the proportion and nature of the components of inactive capacities, which is valuable for solving the problems of optimizing modes in AC networks, but also to create effective technical means of compensating for the identified inactive capacities in the future.


form correction; harmonics orthogonality; inactive power; instant power; power balance;

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).