Performance enhancement of sensor network architecture for monitoring underwater oil pipeline
In this paper, a deployment mechanism is designed to distribute heterogeneous nodes to optimally cover the pipeline where the mechanism helps locate each node on the wall of the oil pipeline where the number of nodes can be increased depending on this mechanism. The six-layer network hierarchy includes basic sensor nodes (BSN), aggregation relay node (ARN) that added to the network hierarchy, data relay nodes (DRN), data dissemination node (DDN), base station (sinks), and network control center (NCC). This network relies on the improved smart redirect or jump algorithm (SRJ) by sending packets depend on the active relay nodes in both directions that are within the transmission range of the ARNs instead of relying on the number of hops adopted by the SRJ algorithm to reduce the network delay, the energy consumed in relay nodes, and the number of times the DRNs increased transmission range. The OMNeT++ and MATLAB programs were used to implement the simulation scenario. The results showed superiority in terms of the average overhead communication, energy consumption, and end to the end delay with network delay in some cases rely on the number of active relay nodes.
improved smart redirect or jump algorithm (ISRJ); oil pipeline monitoring; underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN)
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).