Data loss prevention (DLP) by using MRSH-v2 algorithm
Sensitive data may be stored in different forms. Not only legal owners but also malicious people are interesting of getting sensitive data. Exposing valuable data to others leads to severe Consequences. Customers, organizations, and /or companies lose their money and reputation due to data breaches. There are many reasons for data leakages. Internal threats such as human mistakes and external threats such as DDoS attacks are two main reasons for data loss. In general, data may be categorized based into three kinds: data in use, data at rest, and data in motion. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) are good tools to identify important data. DLP can do analysis for data content and send feedback to administrators to make decision such as filtering, deleting, or encryption. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools are not a final solution for data breaches, but they consider good security tools to eliminate malicious activities and protect sensitive information. There are many kinds of DLP techniques, and approximation matching is one of them. Mrsh-v2 is one type of approximation matching. It is implemented and evaluated by using TS dataset and confusion matrix. Finally, Mrsh-v2 has high score of true positive and sensitivity, and it has low score of false negative.
Approximation matching; Data breach; DLP; Mrsh-v2; Sensitive data
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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578
This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).