Design and implementation a prototype system for fusion image by using SWT-PCA algorithm with FPGA technique

Muthna Jasim Fadhil, Rashid Ali Fayadh, Mousa K. Wali


The technology of fusion image is dominance strongly over domain research for recent years, the techniques of fusion have various applications in real time used and proposed such as purpose of military and remote sensing etc.,the fusion image is very efficient in processing of digital image. Single image produced from two images or more information of relevant combining process results from multi sensor fusion image. FPGA is the best implementation types of most technology enabling wide spread.This device works with modern versions for different critical characteristics same huge number of elements logic in order to permit complex algorithm implemented. In this paper,filters are designed and implemented in FPGA utilized for disease specified detection from images CT/MRI scanned where the samples are taken for human's brain with various medical images and the processing of fusion employed by using technique Stationary Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis (SWT-PCA). Accuracy image output increases when implemented this technique and that was done by sampling down eliminating where effects blurring and artifacts doesn't influenced. The algorithm of SWT-PCA parameters quality measurements like NCC,MSE ,PSNR, coefficients and Eigen values.The advantages significant of this system that provide real time, time rapid to market and portability beside the change parametric continuing in the DWT transform. The designed and simulation of module proposed system has been done by using MATLAB simulink and blocks generator system, Xilinx synthesized with synthesis tool (XST) and implemented in XilinxSpartan 6-SP605 device.


FPGA Xilinx system generator; MATLAB; SWT-PCA algorithm fusion image; VHDL

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).