An algorithm for IoT based vehicle verification system using RFID

Alen Joseph Samuel, Shoney Sebastian


The verification of vehicle documents is an important role of transport department which is rising day by day due to the mass registration of the vehicles. An automated vehicle verification system can improve the efficiency of this process.  In this paper, we propose an IOT based vehicle verification system using RFID technology. As a result, the vehicle checking which is done now manually can be replaced by automation. There is a loss of a significant amount of time when the normal vehicle checking is done manually. The proposed system will make this process automated. The present verification process is using inductive loops that are placed in a roadbed for detecting vehicles as they pass through the loop of the magnetic field. Similarly, the sensing devices spread along the road can detect passing vehicles through the Bluetooth mechanism. The fixed audio detection devices that can be used to identify the type of vehicles on the road. Other measurements are fixed cameras installed in specific points of roads for categorising the vehicles. But all these mechanisms cannot verify the documents and certificates of the vehicles. In our work, we have suggested an algorithm using RFID technology to automate the documentation verification process of the vehicles like Pollution, Insurance, Rc book etc with the help of RFID reader placed at road checking areas. This documents will be updated by the motor vehicle department at specific periods.


Internet of Things; Sensors; Arduino; RFID Vehicle Identification

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).