Assessing completeness of a WEB site from quality perspective

Sasi Bhanu Jammalamadaka, Kamesh DBK, Jammalamadaka Kodanda Rama Sastry


Assessing quality of a web site is most important especially because people world over are dependent on the content hosted on the WEB site for various purposes. May factors are to be considered for assessing the quality. Quality of every factor must be considered individual and also the total quality of the WEB site must be computed. This paper is primarily focused on the factor called “Completeness” which is one of the factors that can be considered for computing the quality of the WEB sites.  There can be much of the disconnected in the content hosted on the web site such as missing href, columns in the tables and forms. The more of the disconnectedness in the content that is hosted on the WEB site, the less the quality, as the information hosted on the WEB site is incomplete and less readable


Assessing quality of web sites, Evaluating quality of WEB, Quality assessment Factors, Completeness of the WEB sites, Total quality of WEB sites

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).