The Analysis of Student Colla borative Work Inside Social Learning Network Analysis Based on Degree and Eigenvector Centrality

Andi Besse Firdausiah Mansur, Norazah Yusof, Ahmad Hoirul Basori


Social learning network analysis is a potential approach to analyze the behaviour of students in collaborative work. However, most of the previous works focus on asynchronous discussion forum as the learning activity.  Very few of them are trying to analyze the students' collaborative work while using wiki e-learning. This paper proposes the degree centrality and eigenvector method for identifying the collaborative work of students while in wiki e-learning. The log data of the Moodle e-learning system is observed that records the students' activities and actions while using wiki.  The result shows that there is a close similarity between the degree centrality and the eigenvector. The result also reveals the students who obtain high outdegree values.  Furthermore, Agent_1 and Agent_12 represent the students who obtained high outdegree values, which mean these two nodes are acting as source providers that able to supply information and knowledge through the network. This result also strengthened by value of closeness and betweenness where Agent_1 and Agent_12 leading on this measurement. The high closeness value of Agent_1 and Agent_12 will lead into fast spreading information since they have fastest route and has the most direct route to the other node inside the network, thus collaborative work is easy to be initialized by these Agents. This work has successfully identified collaborative work of student. This finding is believed to bring enormous benefit on the e-learning system improvement in the future.


Collaborative learning;Authoring tools and methods;Pedagogical issues

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).