Estimation of Optimum Tilt Angle of PV Panel for Maximum Energy Harvesting

K. Parkavi Kathirvelu, B. Viswanathan


In solar energy conversion system harvesting of maximum energy is necessary in order to maximize the utilization of available energy. The maximum energy from the solar panel can be extracted by keeping solar panel in an optimum tilt angle. Various approaches are available to find optimum tilt condition of the solar panel.  In this work two different positions of the panel such as fixed tilt, seasonal tilt were analyzed using isotropic and anisotropic models. Among the various models available in the above said broad category six models such as Liu-Jordan, Koronokis Model, Badescu model, Hay and Davis model, Reindel model,  Hay&Davis and Reindel & Klucher combined model are incorperated to predict the  monthly average of daily global solar irradiation of the inclined panels held in SASTRA University, Thanjavur (India) location. Statistical tests have been performed in order to evaluate the consequences predicted by the models with the experimental results. Finally a detailed comparison between fixed tilt and seasonal tilt of the panel has been carried out and the suitable model for this location is also suggested.


Maximum Energy harvesting Optimum tilt angle Seasonal tilt Fixed tilt Isotropic models Anisotropic models

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).