Computer Aided Diagnosis for Screening the Shape and Size of Leukocyte Cell Nucleus based on Morphological Image

Retno Supriyanti, Alfin Chrisanty, Yogi Ramadhani, Wahyu Siswandari


Hematology tests are examinations that aim to know the state of blood and its components, one of which is leukocytes. Hematologic examinations such as the number and morphology of blood generally still done manually, especially by a specialist pathologist. Despite the fact that today there is equipment that can identify morphological automatically, but for developing countries like Indonesia, it can only be done in the capital city. Low accuracy due to the differences identified either by doctors or laboratory staff, makes a great reason to use computer assistance, especially with the rapid technological developments at this time. In this paper, we will emphasize our experiment to screen leucocyte cell nucleus by identifying the contours of the cell nucleus, diameter, circumference and area of these cells based on digital image processing techniques, especially using the morphological image. The results obtained are promising for further development in the development of computer-aided diagnosis for identification of leukocytes based on a simple and inexpensive equipment.


computer aided diagnosis; hematologic test; inexpensive equipment; leukocyte; morphological image

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
p-ISSN 2088-8708, e-ISSN 2722-2578

This journal is published by theĀ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES).